UKRAINE – Art Wall of Inclusion and Photo exhibition On the 1st of July 2021 project team together with international students, active youth and internally displaced students have gathered to create Art Wall of Inclusion. Every participant of dissemination event could place his/her colored palm expressing support to migrant and vulnerable youth. The art wall of Inclusion and tolerance towards young refugees from the first nail to the last colored palm was created by a community of students, managers, teachers and employees of Dnipro University of Technology. Ukrainian participants of FUTURE project (local and international activities) have created the idea of the picture in the wall which perfectly reflect their fillings and attitude to the project topic and project itself.
Every palm on the FUTURE art wall in Dniprotech is alive and unique. Every hand is a support to those who have been forced to leave their homes and forced to adapt to a new life in new conditions. This activity is part of a grand plan of action towards creating a network of caring young people ready to help refugees adapt to the conditions of new societies. The art wall is located in a picturesque corner of Dnipro University of Technology.
Second location opened on 1st of July 2021 - Photo exhibition “Inclusive society”. Project participants together with international students, active youth and internally displaced students have collected numerous photos showing the problem of migration, social inclusion&exclusion, tolerance and diversity. Photo exhibition was placed in the main Hall of Dnipro University of Technology being open and available for the attention of all visitor of University. Throughout the summer, everybody attending #dniprotech has enjoyed the Photo exhibition prepared as one of the activities of the FUTURE project #erasmusplus.
The Photo exhibition “Inclusive society” is a combination of photos showing sharp problem of young migrants who were forced to leave their domiciles due to war conflicts and other disasters and the issue of inclusion and tolerance. Participants of Art Wall of Inclusion and Photo exhibition – project team, students, international students, IDPs, youth with migrant background, University visitors.
GEORGIA – Online debate activity for students and active youth As dissemination, Georgian-Ukrainian online meeting was organised. It included project presentation, discussion and debates about migration. Participants that took a part in debate activities in Georgia and other interested representatives of Ukrainian and Georgian organizations and universities were invited. In the beginning moderator made the project presentation, described all project activities and underlined the importance of the migration topic. The discussion was on topic “Problems with educational inclusion of migrants and its solution”. All participants could share their opinions and experience. Also, a guest from Lebanon was invited. He is the student of Ukrainian university and could show the situation with educational inclusion from migrant side.
After discussion we had Parliamentary debates on topic “This House Believes it is legitimate for states to deny residence or asylum to immigrants who openly contradict their predominant values”. Debates are useful and effective toolkit in work with youth and can help to develop communication with migrants in different countries. In Parliamentary format participants are divided into 4 team (2 people per team) - 2 team for motion and 2 teams against. Participants don’t choose the side and it is important because they learn to understand the opposite opinions to theirs. Debates teach not only to speak but to listen and understand. Participants of Online debate meeting – active members of NGOs and local educational organisations, active youth, youth with migrant background.
ITALY – Online meeting with local youth. Online meeting with local youth and NGO members was organized on 15th of June by participants of Debate project activity to disseminate the results of the project and project activities and tell the issues addressed through their experiences and personal testimonies of emigration and immigration. Special attention was paid to the question of social adaptation of young migrants and their social needs during this process.
In many EU countries, participatory and co-creation approaches are implemented in areas such as social services, health and urban development. Such approaches are less common in relation to refugees and migrants, who are rarely systematically consulted or included as stakeholders and partners in the development and evaluation of actions and policies affecting them.
Online meeting intended to examine the effectiveness of the expanded participation of migrants and "host" communities in the design and implementation of policy measures and integration programs.
Choosing personal experiences as starting points, participants have addressed issues related to youth migration into and out of Italy through the testimonies of Eugenia, a recent Italian graduate who migrated to Germany and Andriy, an Italian citizen of Ukrainian origin. What drives young women to leave their country of origin? On what basis do they choose their destination? And, how does inclusion in the social fabric of the host country succeed or fail? Participants of Online meeting – active members of NGO, young citizens of Italy and Germany with migration background LITHUANIA – Online meeting with local youth and students Lithuanian partner has decided to organize Zoom meeting with social work students and NGO members on the topic of youth migration, raising awareness on the issue of problems on adaptation including student time and education environment . This meeting took place on 9th of June.
Session agenda was:
1. Introduction to Erasmus + program of the European Union; 2. Debate meeting “Future We in Diversity” in Tbilisi presentation; 3. Migration in Lithuania. Statistics, facts, and solutions; 4. Global migration. Problems, reasons, solutions; 5. Adaptation problems of young migrants: social and educational barriers. 6. Questions and comments. Participants of Online meeting – social work students, active youth, international students, NGO members. POLAND – Online meeting with local youth and students Polish partner has decided to organize Zoom meeting with local and international students and NGO members on the topic youth activism, Debates as a method to involve youth with migration background into the local community and opportunities for migrant youth within Erasmus+ program. Janina presented the Erasmus+ programme and the benefits that the particular stakeholders can obtain by participating in proposed activities. She also presented the current agenda and priorities for Erasmus+ budget for the years 2021-2027. Afterwards, Julia gave a speech about her first impressions and experience with participating in Erasmus+ project “FUTURE We in Diversity” in Georgia. She reflected and shared with the audience about the benefits that one can receive from assisting in these kind of intercultural exchanges e.g. what kind of soft skills they can develop/empower (both in the individual and the social level), the power of peer-to-peer and lifelong learning and the benefits of non-formal education tools. Therefore, Aga explained what we were doing at our debate activity (the case of youth migration and the ways of their better adaptation in the society) in Georgia. She presented the tool of “debating” and gave a deeper look on how we can use these methodology in our daily life as an individual and in our local community. We also gave a try to put this knowledge in practice and have done the energizer with the “balloon” to check out our skills in convincing and argument abilities. Participants finished with some Q&A’s session and receive some questions concerning the debates and the Erasmus+ programme as a whole.
Participants of Online meeting – students, active youth, NGO members.